Yin and yang meaning
Yin and yang meaning

yin and yang meaning

The physical body is yang and the soul is yin. The five Zang (solid) organs, used for collecting and storing, are classified as yin.

yin and yang meaning

Thus, the six fu (hollow) organs, responsible for moving and transforming substances, are considered yang. Yang has to do with function and movement. In the human body, major organs are paired according to yin and yang. Causes of disease according to Yin and Yang Theory For example, there is always light within the dark (e.g., the stars at night), these qualities are never completely one or the other. There are always traces of one in the other. For example, Spring only comes when winter is finished.Ħ.Part of yin is in yang and part of yang is in yin One can change into the other, but it is not a random event, happening only when the time is right. Yin and yang can transform into one anotherĪt a particular stage, yin can transform into yang and vice versa. There are four possible imbalances: Excess yin, excess yang, yin deficiency, yang deficiency.ĥ. Normally this is a harmonious change, but when Yin or Yang are out of balance they affect each other, and too much of one can eventually weaken (consume) the other. The relative levels of Yin Yang are continuously changing. Yin and yang consume and support each other For example, the temperature can be seen as either hot or cold.Ĥ. Yin and yang can be further subdivided into yin and yangĪny Yin or Yang aspect can be further subdivided into yin and yang. For example, the day cannot exist without night.ģ. The classics state “ Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin”… One cannot exist without the other. For example, cold can turn into hot or season changes of the year. No one thing is completely yin or completely yang.

yin and yang meaning

If in perfect health, the individual should be able to adapt to any of the inevitable changes in life.Įverything has its opposite-although this is never absolute, only comparative. Every individual needs to find this balance depending on their own constitution, climate, season, occupation, and even emotional environment. An imbalance of the yin-yang ratio can cause illness. The yin organ meridian has a downward flow of energy and the yang upward.

yin and yang meaning

In Traditional Chinese medicine, each of the five elements has a pair of yin and yang organs. Six Main Principles of Yin and Yang RelationshipĪccording to Chinese philosophy, everything can be described as either yin or yang. Try using fabrics and colors to help achieve the balance you need.

Yin and yang meaning full#

Tip 2: If the room is too yang, meaning too bright and full of too much sunlight, for instance, then use curtains or blinds to lower the tone of things.Pets are also great sources of yang energy in any room of the house. You can add bright lighting and play some music or turn on the television. Tip 1: If a room in your house is too yin, meaning if there is no natural light and is very quiet and then introduce more yang energy by introducing light and sound.These are two quick tips to improve yin and yang balance in your home: If you can balance these cosmic forces, good fortune will improve dramatically. Too much of yang will then make us yearn for more yin activity(e.g quiet time alone at home). This is common because, throughout the day, we replenish our internal yang energy automatically with only physical activity (e.g walking, going to work, or the gym). On the other hand, too much yang (stress, loud music, talking, etc.) will create internal tensions. Thus, we should not wait for good weather to return but make efforts to balance it out. Even the weather can play a role if it gets too cold or rainy and dreary. In many cases, our fate is also affected negatively if yin is the predominant energy. We will not feel like socializing and even be a little lonely. Too much yin (quiet, dark place) might make you feel depressed with no energy or happiness. Even in your home, a balance of yin and yang energy should be created. Yin is colder, very quiet, and dark, while yang has an energy that is warm, vibrant, active, and alive.

Yin and yang meaning